
Leek Giant Musselburg


Product Info

Leek Giant Musselburg
contains 1 gram seed

A useful winter vegetable, this hardy member of the onion family is
grown for its long white and thick stems and sligtly rounded bases.
Prepare soil with plenty of organic matter such as animal manure,
compost and a dressing of a complete fertiliser applied at a rate
of 30 g per square metre.
Sow seed in a bed or box and transplant seedlings 6-8 weeks after
sowing when 15-20 cm high.
A popular method of growing is to make 4 cm diameter holes
10-15 cm deep, placing the young plants in the bottom of the
holes then settling them in by watering without putting in soil at
this stage. Eventually ‘hill’ up the soil around the plants as they
grow to encourage blanching of the stems. Keep growing plants
well weeded and watered while a side-dressing of nitrogenous
fertiliser every 3-4 weeks after transfer will help to increase the size

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