
Lettuce Brown Migonette


Product Info

Brown Mignonette Lactuca sativa
contains 1 gram

A small but crisp variety of excellent flavour, it does not form aA small but crisp variety of excellent flavour, it does not form aheart and can be picked leaf by leaf as required.Lettuce seeds are usually sown directly into the garden bed indrills about 1cm deep and when the seedlings are about 5–7cmthey should be thinned out to about 25cm apart. If sown inseedboxes, seedlings should also be transplanted when 5–7cmhigh. Garden bed should be well watered before plants arethinned out and then again afterwards to settle soil around theroots of the remaining plants.Keep plants growing vigorously by regular feeding with completefertilizer. Control weeds and water in furrows between rows ratherthan overhead.

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